Contact Circle supports its customers as a partner with comprehensive consultation in many areas, at the moment two main points are personnel procurement and envoronmental protection.
You have to solve a task ?
Although our company is young, all our team members have many years of experience in the emphases of our corporation.
Our contacts to the personnel area ensure, that we always find qualified candidates for your vacant job positions, respectively for the tasks which have to be fullfilled in your company.
Sustainable and proper handling of global environment today is much more then an advertising activity, only the preservation of our natural ressources will assure the long-term existence of corporations. So the second focus is the
saving of sustainable and environmental protecting operation of our customers companies..
Consulting and support consists of several important tasks and competencies, which we want to fullfill and accomplish as optimal as possible.
Here are the most important building blocks whose realizations whith you are of high importance for us:
We always have a sympathetic ear for you. Your taks, wishes, requests, critics - everything is welcome, talk to us at any time.
And we will be active just the same way to keep you informed.
Also your company must work profitabel. Personnel and environmental protection with costs that keeps your corporation profitabel – this is our responsibility.
Successes for companies are rarely achieved by one person. Our team combines all its capabilities to constructively reach the best results for you.
Together with your team we develop solutions for your successful future.
We are your partner with trustworthiness.
As soon as the amount of our service is defined, we work with all our ressources to fulfill our job - only satisfied customers are long-term customers - and partners.
The sustainable design of your business procedures is an important part to continue to persist as a company.
Use our experiences to stay a valued business partner for your customers.
No matter if your customers are close to your company, or if they are international enterprises - today not only long-term thinking and acting is asked to survive on the market, but also long-range.
Our international working partners are also available for you, use our potential.